Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First things first

     Before we begin here, I would just like for all of you to know, I have no idea what I'm doing. I have a very vague vision of what I want my future to be but that's about it. I don't normally plan to do things, just kinda jump right on in.

     My favorites-color:green; food-spaghetti; candy-anything sour; drink-Dr.Pepper or Apple Juice; animal-tigers and dolphins; and author-Laurell K. Hamilton or Tamora Pierce.

     My entire family will tell you I'm evil but anyone else who has met me will inform you that I am a perfect angel. I don't really know what that says about me, but I'm mostly comfortable with my life. For a large majority of my high school and a little after, people thought I was at least kind of bi-curious but I am now happily married to my husband.

     I don't really know what made me want to add this blog to all the things I have to keep tabs on but here we are. I have many things to share, from poems I wrote in high school to political(not really all that important) views. I guess this is just going to become my very own personal journal with which I can share my world with all of you if there is anyone out there.

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